Illustration was the path I chose in which to transmit a message.
Information design taught me to transmit an emotion or feeling in the simplest most concise way possible. That is why I don’t like to say that “I just draw”. What I do is transmit ideas or complex feelings through a colourful and childish aestethic.
see more +I like to experiment with new styles when create characters for clients. Being able to create characters in my style, then giving them their own essence allows for my creations to bond with a brand and the brand’s message.
I joined the Gallo Branding Studio team in 2014. There I learned how to adapt and implement my ideas into a branding context, including logos and printed applications. Currently, I am the Art Director of Gallo.
see portfolioChildren’s products should not only appeal to children but to their parents as well. Finding the right graphical solution, where both kids and parents can get identify with a product is always my primary goal.
Thanks to my work in Gallo, I have been able to earn many important awards and nominations within the field of design in México.
Premio a! Diseño 2015
Premio Diseña México 2016
Honourable Mention
Diseña México 2016
Premio Diseña México 2016
Silver Award
Premio a! Diseño 2016
Honourable Mention
Diseña México 2016
Silver Award
Premio a! Diseño 2016
Through social media, I have been able to collaborate with companies in South Africa, Australia, Sweden, The UK and Latin America. The latest project I have been working on was with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, for which I created the artwork for “Carnival of The Animals”.
Last year I started a Facebook fanpage (which at the moment has 20k+ followers) and have also expanded my use to twitter and Instagram. These fan pages help me to express myself in an illustrative way and to keep me in touch with my followers.
In 2014, I launched an online store, through which I sell various products, such as: throw pillows, clocks, cases, mugs, duvet covers, and more. I created this page for my family (and now my fans) to have access to my illustrations in a more physical way.
go to storeIn 2017 I started to regularly collaborate with the Mexican magazine ‘bbmundo’, which is part of the Media Marketing Knowledge Group.
‘bbmundo’ is a magazine which aims to guide parents with tips, stories and advice on how to take care of their baby. Throughout this magazine they use children’s illustrations as a way to help transmit the ideas from the articles.
*For the June-July edition of 2017 I had the privilege of creating the front cover of the magazine.
Thanks for taking the time to read about my work, as a thank you, I would like to give you a wallpaper!